We currently only ship to Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, United Kingdom and United States.
Free shipping is automatically applied to all orders over $100. Flat rate of AU$10 is applied for any orders under AU$100.
Flat rate of AU$25 is applied to all orders to the overseas countries listed above.
Due to current lockdown restrictions, orders may take up to 3–4 business days to be delivered within Australia. International shipping time will be based on local delivery capacity.
Packages are sent via SENDLE/AUSPOST.
Once your order has been dispatched, you will receive an email with your tracking number which can be used to track your order directly online.
Please note that we are not responsible for any damage or melting once our candles have been delivered. Do not leave candles in direct sunlight, or outside for long periods of time.
For any further questions or requests concerning your order and its delivery, please contact our customer service at